Different factors like your menstruation, medication, and illness for example can drop your breast milk supply in no time. You may find it concerning, but fortunately there are simple ways that can help you increase your milk supply.
If you are wondering how to increase your breast milk supply overnight then you are in the right place. The following effective actions will help you stimulate your body to make more milk FAST, so you feel at peace knowing your baby is getting plenty to eat.
Signs Of Low Milk Supply
First, let’s take a look at reasons you might have low milk supply or a sudden drop in milk supply.
- Your baby has decreased diapers (pee or poop, but especially pee)
- Baby’s urine is darker (could mean dehydration)
- Your supply has decreased visibly if pumping
- You are unable to hand express (no milk coming out)
- Baby is fussy at the breast (could also mean other things too such as gas or tiredness, so do not jump to conclusions yet)
- Baby is lethargic, facial features are sunken in (this could be severe, please seek medical attention)
If your baby is hungry more, that does not necessarily mean your milk supply is low. That typically means that your baby is doing his/her job by telling your body it needs to produce milk because of a growth spurt, or perhaps baby is fighting a cold.
The more your baby nurses at the breast, the more your body will produce milk. Although pumping can remove milk too, a baby nursing is the most efficient way to get milk out of your breasts.
Can You Really Increase Milk Supply In One Day?
Yes, you can definitely signal your body to increase your milk supply in one day. If there are not other factors at play, such as herbs or medications that may be limiting your supply, you can certainly tell your body to increase supply in one day.
But it may take multiple days for your body to react to the signal, or get things out of your body that may be limiting your supply.
There are steps and strategies that need to be followed which I will mention below. In general, pumping or nursing more, will tell your body your baby needs more milk. The more milk you can get out, the more your body will produce (supply and demand).
How To Increase Milk Supply Overnight & Fast
Here are my top tips on how to increase milk supply overnight. I know going through a drop in supply is stressful, but at least you can try these actionable items to get back the confidence you need when feeding your baby.
Feed Your Baby As Often As You Can
The best way to boost your milk supply quickly is by letting your baby feed on demand. The more there is a demand for milk the more milk supply there will be.
Skin-to-skin contact and an effective latch on your breast stimulate the brain to make more milk. Brain stimulation results in the production of more prolactin which is the hormone that makes milk.
So, let your baby empty your breasts more often. Think of it as a nursing staycation. Feed him every 2 to 3 hours or as often as he baby is showing signs of hunger/thirst.
During the early days, babies sleep more than they do anything else. So if your baby does not wake up after 2 to 3 hours to feed, wake him up on your own by changing his diaper and offering your breast.
It is especially important to wake your baby up to feed if he isn’t gaining weight well and if you’re trying to increase your supply.
Empty Your Breasts Through Pumping
If you are away from your baby or you are not feeding him more often, start pumping your breasts with your double electric breast pump. This technique is used to tell the body you need to make more milk and stimulate it to make milk as it does when your baby feeds.
If you pump your breasts more frequently, you will soon have more milk supply. The pump flanges or shields should be of the right size and fit the breasts correctly.
The pump should also have good suction to mimic the sucking action of your baby. You can try pumping your breasts after every feeding session.
Babies often do not empty the breasts fully. So if there is leftover milk in your breasts your body will stop making more considering there is no milk demand.
Even if you don’t get any milk out, pumping for an additional 5 minutes after nursing can tell your body to make more milk. For hands-free pumping I recommend using a pumping bra.
You can also massage your breast and compress it to remove all milk from the milk ducts and make room for new milk. This helps release any fat globules that might get stuck inside your milk ducts.
Massage Your Breasts To Activate Cells
Massaging is another natural way of increasing your breast milk in volume quickly. Massaging breasts with warm hands activates the breast cells to start making milk.
It is another good way of emptying the milk ducts and stimulating the let-down reflex. Massage your breasts like professionals do during a breast examination.
Move your fingertips in a circular motion, cover all areas, and repeat the process on both breasts. You can also use an unscented lotion or organic oil to provide lubrication and have a more soothing experience.
Take Herbs That Increase Milk Supply
Women have been using natural remedies to increase breast milk supply in different cultures. These herbs are very helpful in increasing milk supply overnight and also offer other key benefits like cleansing your liver, being high in fiber, and aiding in digestion.
They are a natural source of essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and phytoestrogens. These nutrients play a role in different bodily processes, while also working on increasing the milk supply.
Phytoestrogens are known for having a positive impact on prolactin synthesis. It boosts prolactin’s production which eventually boosts milk synthesis.
The most common herbs that boost milk production are moringa, fennel, milk thistle, goat’s rue, blessed thistle, and alfalfa. These herbs can be taken in the form of tea or supplement.
They will not only increase the supply, but will also maintain it. However, if one herb works for one mom well, it may not have the same impact on someone else.
So, try more than one to find which one works for you and your body chemistry. You can read more this here: The Best Supplements to Increase Milk Supply.
Unfortunately, there is no one galactagogue or combination of herbs and foods that work equally well for all women. However, some lactation experts have discovered special herbs or combinations to be most effective for certain situations. You can read more in the book Mother Food by Hillary Jacobson.
Eat Lactogenic Foods That Boost Supply
Lactogenic foods are used to increase milk supply. They not only improve milk volume, but also improve its quality.
You can include healthy foods at every meal to have a better supply and better quality milk. Sometimes low milk supply can be linked to a nutritional deficit, which is why it’s important to focus on real, whole foods.
The common examples of lactogenic foods are barley, nuts, seeds, poultry, fish, meat, green leafy vegetables, wild salmon, flaxseed oil, and legumes. Seeds and nuts are a rich source of healthy fats.
Since nursing moms are advised to increase their calorie intake by 400 to 500 calories per day, seeds and nuts are a perfect natural source that you can be used to increase the good fat quality in your milk. Eat them as healthy snacks to overcome pesky cravings.
Similarly, green leafy vegetables provide the body with important vitamins and minerals like iron and zinc. These ingredients collectively boost milk quality and quantity. You can make a fresh vegetable salad or cook them and try new recipes.
Make Sure Your Baby Is Latching On Properly
A good latch is important to make sure that the baby is emptying the breasts properly and the best possible milk transfer is occurring. It not only empties the breasts well but also helps you get rid of nipple soreness.
A healthy latch means you and your baby are comfortable. Your baby should not have to turn his neck at a specific angle to reach the nipple.
Additionally, your baby’s body should be aligned and facing toward you completely (just imagine trying to eat something when your head is turned sideways). Finally, your baby’s chest should be in contact with your skin.
Hold your baby in a comfortable position to make sure he gets the chance to suck properly.
Rest Often And Sleep Well
Rest is another important factor that influences milk supply. Stress and fatigue can have a negative impact on your breast milk.
If you are interested in enhancing your milk supply make sure you do not neglect your body’s need to rest and get its energy refilled. As a nursing mom, you may not get time to rest or even have a good sleep.
If that is the case then do not hesitate to ask for help. Tell your partner or a family relative when you want to go to sleep. They can hold the baby and you can have a peaceful sleep.
Now that you know what increases milk supply fast and how to increase your milk supply overnight, it’s time to put these tips into action!
I hope you learned some helpful things about how to increase your milk supply overnight. Good luck, you’ve got this!
Before I sign off, I do want to share a really helpful guide with you as well. If you want an easy resource and reference for help with your breast milk supply then you need to check out my eBook that covers all things related to increasing your supply: How to Increase Milk Supply Fast!
It is full of helpful resources and hands-on techniques and demonstrations, to get you where you need to be on your breastfeeding journey.
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