Life takes a completely new turn for couples after childbirth. Right from hormonal turbulence to breastfeeding woes, to even postpartum sexual pain - this is the time you’re your wife is going through a lot. Let us see some of the ways that will help you to bring back normalcy in your relationship and make your wife feel sexy again after the baby arrives.
Among several issues that follow childbirth, one of the major concerns is discomfort while having sex. All of a sudden the entire comfort level between the couple seems to have fallen apart. One of the predominant reasons behind it is postpartum sexual pain.
Walk a Few Steps in Her Shoes
Do you feel your wife is too obsessed with the newborn? Or she has somewhat distanced herself from you? Then there are chances that you are facing some common postpartum sexuality concerns. A little candid conversation and sensible approach are all that is needed to find back the spark in your relationship.
It is not a new world just for the infant, but for the mother as well. Her body and mind have already been through a lot. And yet much more is thrown at her every day. And though you are also right by her side, sometimes certain things even you can’t share.
After childbirth, a new mother’s body is healing, her hormones are going berserk, there are concerns regarding breastfeeding and sexuality immediately postpartum that will take its own time to fall into place. At this time there is only one thing that you can do. Just be by her side. Keep your camaraderie intact and be supportive.
Be Aware of the Changes
Talk to the doctors or counselors to understand the changes that may influence your relationship after the baby arrives. A lot of women who go through vaginal birth often experience pain during intercourse. This happens due to the perineal trauma that leads to several tearing and scars at the time of childbirth.
In dire circumstances, women even experience pain at the time of intercourse in the first year of childbirth. Go for a postpartum counseling session with your wife to get some expert postpartum tips on how to embrace the new changes.
Speak openly to your doctor as well as other experienced couples to learn more about postpartum healing tips that will help you to understand your wife’s situation in a better way.
Be With Her through the Healing Phase
When it comes to pregnancy and childbirth, the father has no idea about the several levels of physical and hormonal challenges that the mother goes through. Post-delivery, the body of the new mother needs time to heal.
You could read a book on postpartum recovery tips to get a better understanding of how you could support your wife through this phase. Take care of her nutritional needs and also make sure that she is getting proper rest.
After all, normal intercourse requires both partners to have the desire and arousal. And the level of exhaustion a new mother goes through both physically and mentally, having a natural desire and arousal for sex is a far cry. All she wants to do when the baby is sleeping is just to grab a snooze.
Help Her Find Her Confidence Back
It takes a lot of motivation and determination for a new mother to get back to her pre-pregnancy body. And honestly, a lot of women struggle to get rid of their postpartum belly fat for many years. Motivate her to take care of herself and focus on her fitness goals by taking up a postpartum exercise class.
Pamper your wife with fashionable clothes, stylish lingerie, and postpartum underwear. This will help to make her feel loved and drive her focus back on herself. Encourage her to dedicate me-time for herself when she can relax or take up a hobby that will also help her to recuperate mentally.
The newfound confidence is the best perk that a new mother can have and it will eventually translate into getting the fire back on the bed as well.
Go for Some Postpartum Shopping for Your Wife
While it is important to make the entire house kids-friendly, it is equally important to buy some stuff that will help your wife deal with her body image after childbirth. Consult your doctor and invest in some postpartum belly bands and postpartum underwear.
The postpartum belly wraps are particularly helpful as they act as a supportive shape-wear that supports the loose abdominal muscles and prevents belly fat.
Bring Back the Romance
With all the responsibilities with the baby, the couple often forgets to tend to themselves. New parents need to take time out for themselves. And while it might take some more time before your sex life starts getting as exciting as before, there is always scope for romance.
You may even feel that you have gone back to the initial few days of your courtship period. Revive the wonderful days of getting to know each other. Share a common interest, discuss books, movies, or even politics. Start speaking sweet nothing into each other’s ears.
It is the same building-up phase once again. Just begin to cherish each other’s company. Build up the desire to be intimate just like before. You never know you could truly rediscover yourself in a completely new way.
Be Intimate with Your Wife
Being intimate does not necessarily mean having sex. You can be intimate with your wife even while helping her with dishes while watching television, or even reading a book. There may be several differences between a man and a woman, but a touch of love is something that both respond to in the same manner. And that can never go wrong. So just feel loved and make her feel loved as well.
About the author
Rachel Burns is an experienced copywriter and photographer with a design diploma. She works with startups, entrepreneurs, bloggers, and companies from around the world. In addition to writing articles and promotional materials, she enjoys hiking, reading, cooking, and spending time with her family.
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